Through 2013 Reunion Tour And 2014
The Monkees Remember The Founder of
The Monkees the lovable Davy Jones by this
tour.This music tour would go through five
years of The Monkees in chronological order.
You are entertained by commercials of the
band The Monkees with Kelloggs and also
Kool-aid that are something else.
The Monkees always loved you,and also to
entertain you.When Davy Jones passed
away,it tore The Monkees living, up inside.
This concert was to give back to you for being
loyal to the group,accepting Michael Nesmith
back with open arms,made this tour happen.
As you have heard The Monkees again
are going to entertain you,and make you
laugh starting May 22,2014.
I wanted The Monkees be advertise to the
the world so on April 11,2013.I wrote a blog
post about the,The Monkees summer tour 2013
reunion with Mike Nesmith
had given me some of the inside information.
But I emailed them back,and said ,I had emails
from people saying no tour was planned.They
realised it was important to me, because I was
advertising for The Monkees.Thanks to the
same,on May 1,2013 I
had the full twenty-four day tour dates,cities,
states,and where they would be playing.I had
then let all living Monkees know what I was
doing.I contacted both their Facebook and also
Twitter accounts.They had the links.I added as
many pictures of all four Monkees:Davy Jones,
Micheal Nesmith,Peter Tork and Micky Dolenz.
I did the blog in gold,but the whole tour schedule
in copper.The Monkees was done in red,but the
famous car The Monkeemobile was done in gold,
since it is spelled in gold on the car.I also added
the twelve day Evening With The Monkees 2012
with Michael Nesmith who had a lot of fun when
December 2,2012 you sold out in New York the
band The Monkees Concert.Michael Nesmith
was deeply touched,for accepting him back,that
he wanted to put on a concert tour,with songs
you haven't heard in years.This takes up this
tour The Monkees Midsummer Night Tour for
2013.It would be a reunion tour.If Davy Jones
was here he would be blown away,with what did
happen in his absence.
Sorry People That Special The Monkees
with their families has passed ,when both
Michael Nesmith and Micky Dolenz were in
Monkee Convention in March 14-16,2014
In New Jersey with stars.I truly sorry.
Before I go on, News Flash!The Monkees
at The Monkees Convention in New Jersey
were Micky Dolenz and Michael Nesmith on
March 14-16,2014.Those who went were very
happy that The Monkees said,they would have
another reunion concert tour for 2014.Right now
Michael Nesmith and Micky Dolenz are on solo
tours.I hope many went to these.Then on May 23,
Peter Tork will Join Them.The Theme is A very
theme The Monkees In Concert for 2014.
If you to monkees net, says there are
four VIP Packages.The other nine are VIP for
buying your tickets at
VIP Packages come with a ticket A Valuable
Exclusive Commemorative Ticket And Prepaid
For The Monkees Debute Super Deluxe Album
With Three CDs Coming Out November 2014.
Go to,click on
the links.Also see when Michael Nesmith and
Micky Dolenz tour solo this year.Check Mike's
new album and more.
The leader of the band is here.Michael
Nesmith with his costly alligator shoes,and his
famous twelve string guitar belting out his
famous songs.Then also a great song writer.
Micky is not only the lead singer,but is also
using percussion instruments,that Davy Jones
would use.It includes the tamborine,maracas,a
a small brush instrument,wooden box he sits
to tap,for a song,and other instruments.
Peter plays his bass,banjo,electric guitars,his
French horn, organs,and other instruments.In
talking about playing musical instruments,Mike
said of Peter,he was the most talented,when he
was talking of The Monkees television show.
Peter Tork can play twelve instruments.
Then everyone in the group teased him about it.
Peters also dresses up for us.He is wearing a
beautiful royal blue shirt that looks like silk.
Remember,that Davy Jones would wear a lot of
red shiny shirts,when touring with The Monkees.
Peter Tork will also be in his shiny red shirts too.
Peter Tork takes place on songs,of Davy Jones,
by singing lead on these songs with Michael and
Micky.This fills the void with Davy Jones missing.
Michael Nesmith son is playing in the
background along with Coco Dolenz,singing
back up.
There are many more muscians that play
behind The Monkees,for a fuller musical
Remember all The Monkees,are playing
their own instruments.Even Micky Dolenz
played the drums many times.He can only
play one music instrument at a time.
However Michael Nesmith did have two
musical instruments to use in a famous
song.He had played one piece,and then
switched,from the other, and back again.
I added The Monkeemobile background
with The Monkees in Cranberry Eight
Button Uniforms which I love to own
along with The Monkeemobile.Many
your favorite songs from Davy Jones,
Michael Nesmith,Peter Tork and also
Micky Dolenz are there.You will not be
disappointed.I have more pictures and
video there,because,I had to write the
review of The Monkees 2013.Mid
Summer Nights Concert.You can come
back here,just click the link to return.
The Link is in Red Below for my site
Buy The Monkee Tickets Now-
The Monkees Reunion Tour Start May 22,2014
Look For This Theme Above,You Have
Active Links to clicking my
title of post article.Also active links to and Ticket Master.
With Last Train To Clarksville,which
when Davy Jones and Micky Dolenz were
sharing a apartment,in the summer of
August 1966,they called
it Monkee Day.They renamed a town
Clarksville,and both Davy and Micky said
they're playing our song.The song went to
number #1 on Billboard Charts.
Then they played that cool song She,then
was a song that was on a album of Paul-
Revere and the Raiders,but never,made into
a single.Don Kirschner knew it was gold,so
(I'm Not Your) Stepping Stone was a hit for
The Monkees.Next Sweet Young Thing was
played with Peter's banjo substituting for a
Micky Dolenz said way before Shrek did it,
we did it.He was talking about I'm A Believer.
See back then,you could get your name on a
preorder list for the very next The Monkees
single without hearing it.Here is the proof.
1,0512,030 had ordered I'm A Believer single
according to The Recording Industry of-
Association of America.This was The Monkees
biggest single '66,it went gold,See back then it
was very rare to get a
gold record.Platinum did'nt come out until 1976.
In 1966 when More Of The Monkees came out,
both,Peter Tork and Michael Nesmith were very
furious.Why,first The Monkees were in Chicago
music store,they seen the album,and song writer
Neil Diamond was singing back up
on A Little Bit Me,A little Bit You
with Davy Jones singing lead.Don
Kirschner,known asThe Golden Ear
since everything he hears,go gold.
Don violated The Monkees contract.
First both the album cover,and the
music,must be approved by the band
The Monkees.Kirschner put on a JC
Penny's cheap ad,above as the music
cover,instead of consulting the band
The Monkees for their approval.Then
in having Neil Diamond singing up
back up,Don Kirschner was promoting
Neil Diamond,instead of just focusing
onThe Monkees.Also Don Kirschner
went to New York instead Los Angeles
to have this second album made.The
result was Don Kirschner was found
guilty,and he was fired.This resulted in
Headquarters,The Monkees third album
produced,with free creative control.This
will help understand why this was epic
moment in their lives.
Micky says,here's a stack of
Headquarters (1967).You Told Me,
was Michael Nesmith's cool pop folk
song.Then Peter Tork sang lead on
Early Morning Blues and Greens,
originally sung by Davy Jones as lead
singer.Micky Dolenz took out his cool
timpani,and put on his real famous
poncho,the song that was written
having a real wild party with The Beatles.
It was here he came up the
song called in U.S.A. Randy Scouse Git,
or in England Alternate Title.Then
Micheal Nesmith puts on his cool twelve
string to belt out You May Just Be The One,
and Sunny Girlfriend.
After going through songs tracks from
it's time to move on to Head The Monkees
movie tracks.They started with the opening
beautiful Porpoise Song,which our Micky
with The Monkees did their best to sing,that
Davy Jones was second singer in the original
song,after Micky.Still The Monkees nailed
the song.
Davy Jones would have been proud how all
members came together as one.
Here The other two albums needed for the
music in The Monkees TV Show. You need
this fourth album if you wanted Love Is Only-
Sleeping,Daily Nightly and Star Collector all
done with Micky's MOOG synthesizer.
If love the Frotus Caper with that hypnotic
eyeball,with a football with construction paper
eyeball drawn on, with a comics voice like a
cartoon.Micky sings the cool song Zor and Zim,
it about a war that isn't fought.The music is
amazing.Micky Dolenz does a great job, with the
drums and trumpets played in the song.It moves
you to action.This the fifth album ...
Birds And The Bees and The Monkees.
Michael Nesmith wrote Echoes Of Summer.
Echoes Of Summer was sung in The Monkees.
The Monkees were in a musical contest and Davy
had to dress as a girl in The Monkees TV Show.
A girl dressed like a boy, to do the same thing.
When both were caught,the four girls joined
The Monkees.Davy Jones sings the cool song,
She Hangs Out,with his Tiger like voice that just
turns woman on,that they want Davy.
The list the songs they this concert.
Last Train To Clarksville,Papa Genes Blues,
Your Auntie Grizelda,She,Sweet Young Thing,
I'm A Believer,(I'm Not Your) Steppin Stone,
Video Interlude,You Told Me,Sunny Girlfried,
You Just May Be The One,Mary Mary,Mike's
The Girl I Knew Somewhere.NextPeter Sings
Early Morning Blues And Greens,Peter's own
For Pete Sake,which originally was sung as the
boys are climbing high above in a movie studio.
It was later used in the end credits of the show
second season.Vidieo Interlude,Now Michael's
Echoes Of Summer,Words,which was the first
time Davy Jones took over for Micky Dolenz
while Davy was playing the special bells for
this song along with the drums.Next Michael's
Topica Tundra,Micky's Goin Down,is so jazzy
blues song with those trumpets,Micky does a
great job singing this song.Now the funny song,
with Michael Nesmith imitating a MOOG type
sythesizer in Daily Nightly wriiten by him.While
Micky Dolenz is singing from a gold leaf costly
wriiten of the song.Mike says he has it covered,
saying MOOG sythesizers are very expensive,
has Large Pictures of Micky's Moog He sold to
Bobby Sherman,Singer,Actor,and Police Officer.
Video Advertisments Of Head The Monkees
movie in 1968.Porpoise Song From Head is very
beautiful with originally Micky lead,and Davy
was second lead,which is masterpiece of real
beauty.Then Can Dig You It? which was a cool
beat and sound. Micky's As We Go Along was
originally sung in Head as Davy Jones goes in
through the flowers snow,and even the beach.
Do I Have To Do This All Over Again is very
rare,and a treat to listen,for our enjoyment.
This was Davy Jones song he sung while he
was dancing with a woman in Head.Then the
song Day Jones originally had a hard time
singing,until it was commited to memory.
Yes,Day Dream Beliver the third number#1
for The Monkees.Michael Nesmith's Cool
What Am I Doing Hanging Round? This
song was sung at the end,while Davy is
draggin The Monkeemobile against
Carol Shelby's Shelby Cobra Daytona
Coupe.Then there is a Encore.With
the last two Michael Nesmith songs,
Listen To The Band,that want us to get
up tap are toes,and dance to the music.
Peter Tork said Pleasant Valley Sunday
was the best song ever played.This has
the beat of the drums,the rockin vocals,
which made to Billboard in the sixties,to
number #3 on the charts.This shows with-
out Don Kirschner,The Monkees could
have made winning songs.They have the
spirit,the musical,and vocal abililty to do
The crowds of teenagers to late baby
boomers were enjoying dancing and singing
to the music.They were amazed how much
fun and excitement they had at the concert
tour.While they also had funny times,with the
group The Monkees were making each other
laugh with the audience,which made them feel
comfortable and yes loved.
Davy Jones would be proud of what
The Monkees accomplished.He would want
them to continue making us laugh,while they
entertaining us with cool rockin music.
Remember May 22,2014 The Monkees
start in New Hampshire,to entertain you
with music and humor.The Monkees need
you,and you need The Monkees.
Buy The Monkees Tickets Now The Monkees
Reunion Tour Starts May 22,2014
Click this link and you see fourteen tour
dates.Click my theme in my post(smaller)
above my post article it will take you to on it will take
you there.Click on Ticket Master it will
take you Buy You Tickets Rhino
said if you buy a VIP Package you'll get
a ticket,Exclusive Commemorative Ticket
Of The Monkees PrePaid Order For The
Debute Album Super Deluxe Edition With
Three CDs.This Comes Out November '14.
Michael Nesmith said about The Monkees
2013 Mid Summer Reunion Tour,after it was
finished in Oregon,he had love the reunion
tour.It was totally different then those tour
busses in the 1960s. Michael Nesmith loves
you,and how you come see him play with the
group The Monkees,and now his solo tours.
Please For The Monkees,and Davy Jones
like their brother attend at least one concert.
You'll have a blast,it will also show you care
about The Monkees too.
So far there are only fourteen tour dates
from May 22 to June 7,2014. We have to wait
for more dates as both Michael Nesmith and
Micky Dolenz are on solo tours.
Then May 22,2014 Peter Tork will join both
Michael Nesmith and Micky Dolenz.
I've have tours from 1986,1987,at least four
1997 Justus Tours,2001 With Davy Jones and
Micky Dolenz.2011 The Fourty-Fifth Reunion
Anniversary with Davy Jones in Liver Pool in
England and Royal Albert Hall.Nez Songs
2012 as some people call the twelve day tour
Evening With The Monkees. Mid Summer-
Nights Reunion Tour.Rare video in yellow with
the band The Monkees practicing,while teenage
girls were told to scream as loud as they can:
"We Want The Monkees... We Want The-
Monkees... while the main song for Head
Michael Nesmith's Circle Sky for the Head
movie they were making.There are other
goodies of The Monkees.
The Monkees were handling his loss,very well
and making each other laugh with the audience.
The audience was enjoying themselves.,with the
professialism musical,and vocal ability.
For two years I've been advertising for
the band The Monkees,with Davy Jones.
My blogs on The Monkees and lovable
Davy Jones are in fifteen countries.
The eighteen countries are:United States
Canada,United Kingdom,Brazil,Austalia,
New Zealand,Netherlands,Poland,Malaysia,
and Italy,And just added are Serbia,also
Argentina and Bulgaria.It was fifteen pretty
countries.It Is Now Eighteen Beautiful
Thank You Countries Around The World.
I Must Share This With The Monkees...
Please note just because your country is
not listed,doesn't mean you don't love the
group The Monkees.My blogs pick who my
audience around the world,and list them for
me.I be happy if all countries in the world
respond to my blogs,of The Monkees and
Davy Jones.I have blogs for The Monkees
and many for Davy Jones.I also have one
for every member Davy Jones,Michael-
Nesmith,Peter Tork and Micky Dolenz.
The Monkees know how I helped,
spread the word.
One young lady ask are you coming
to Europe?She was from Berlin in
I felt it was proper to show Davy Jones,
The Founder Of The Monkees,along with
The man King Of Strippers Dean Jeffries,
who not only built The Monkeemobiles,but
a drag boat for Mike,The car,he built for
Davy Jones,that was restored,the famous
Ford GT Roadster,and also The Mantaray,
that showed up in The Monkees,as well as
Head Mantaray II Kyote gold dune buggy
in The Monkees Head Movie. Don't worry
if you do not see the pictures,I will have
them up.
Some the songs were only sung,some of
the time.I going to write all the songs sung.
I'll be searching for all twenty-four days,of
the video for you.Thanks to Micky Dolenz,
he kept tweeting me about The Monkees
2013 Tour.Yes you will see Peter Tork in
shiny Red too,just like Davy.
The Monkees MidSummer Night Tour 2013 |